From There to Here

It’s been almost two years since I was last here. At the time, I was acclimating to life with my new husband and helping take care of his mother, who’d recently moved into an assisted living facility. I’d retired from teaching kindergarten and the dust was still settling. Working two jobs, getting up early every morning, and dealing with five-year-olds for fifteen years had left me exhausted. I’d always dreamed of quitting my teaching job to write full-time. Now that dream was finally a reality. But where to start?

I began ruminating about writing a memoir. My oldest daughter, Liz, once said to me: “Mom, you’ve had an interesting life. You should write about it.” Liz is a writer (and a wise soul), so I thought about what she’d said. I’d always enjoyed reading memoirs, but I began to immerse myself in the genre. In fact, I became addicted. I thought maybe I’d learn something about the process or be inspired to write a memoir of my own.

Memories started bubbling to the surface. Childhood memories. Stories about some of the amazing women I’d had the privilege to know. Reflections on my days as a young mother. I started writing them down, randomly and without judgment about how they’d fit together. Would they become a cohesive story? A collection of essays? I wasn’t sure.

This went on for eight months. Then one day I looked at my husband and said, “I don’t know what this is. I feel lost.”

“Why don’t you hire a writing coach?” he said. And so, I did. Last January I started working with Brooke Warner, a brilliant coach and editor who has become an ally and friend. After a few sessions, we realized that I did, indeed, have a book. Now I just had to write it. So that’s what I’ve been doing for the past fifteen months. I’m still at it, but now I’m heading into the home stretch.

So, here I am, blogging again. I’m also launching this website and a Facebook page. If you haven’t already done so, I hope you’ll sign up for my newsletter (you can choose how often you’d like to hear from me). I’ll be talking about books, writing, faith, travel, and other things that inspire me. You can also find me at my happy place, Instagram. Thanks for coming along.

What topics interest you? Leave a comment or send an email and let me know.

11 thoughts on “From There to Here”

  1. People. They interest me. I love how they tick along, or stop right in the middle to go another way, I love to love them right where they are to show a better way. I’m inspired to be a helper as we are on the way towards home. Oh my we all be on that journey that draws to our safe place, the road back to God.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Janelle. That is your gift, loving others and showing them a better way. Your book is certainly doing that; I know it has made me take an honest look at myself and think about how, with God’s help, I might move in a more positive direction. Love your heart. Love you!

  2. Merci pour ce partage, chère Laura ! J’attends ton livre avec impatience !
    Sans doute grâce à toi, je me lance également dans un ” mémoire ” pour reconstituer ma vie . Cela ressemble pour moi à un puzzle composant souvenirs familiaux et photos …sans omettre notre rencontre il y a 50 ans à Raleigh et comme pour un anniversaire, il y a deux ans en France !
    En parallèle mon recueil de poésies “La vie est un voyage “est en cours d’édition. Tout cela implique un travail sur soi qui permet une plus grande ouverture aux autres, la vie est si brève ! Bien amicalement

    1. Merci, chère Marie! Vous avez vécu une vie incroyable, pleine de beauté et de poésie. Quelle merveille que vous partagiez vos trésors avec le monde! Je suis reconnaissant que Dieu nous ait réunis il y a de nombreuses années. Vous n’êtes pas seulement une amie bien-aimée, vous êtes une sœur. Je compte les jours jusqu’à ce que nous puissions être à nouveau ensemble! Amour, Laura

  3. Merci, chère Laura ! Ton message me touche, comme tes pensées , tes photos.
    La vie est un vrai cadeau à partager pour le meilleur de chacun et de soi-même !
    J’espère aussi que l’on se reverra quand la pandémie nous permettra de revoir famille et amis ! Heureusement Internet nous permet d’échanger en attendant de se revoir ! Love Marie

    1. Aujoud’hui, ma sœur Elisabeth ( décédée à 40 ans ) aurait eu 72 ans , ! J’ai du mal à le croire, mais nos chers disparus ne sont jamais loin de nous, n’est-ce pas ! Love Marie

      1. En pensant à votre chère sœur, Elizabeth, et à vous alors que vous la portez dans votre cœur. Que sa mémoire soit une bénédiction.

  4. MERCI , dear Laura for your beautiful Birthday card ! I enjoyed reading your words yesterday and seeing all the little confettis of paper white and gold !

    I wish you the best for your book, in finding inspiration for others, God willing and also sharing and helping people who need to take confidence in themselves.


  5. Yes, of course I enjoyed reading you , discovering your life, problems ( so hard to loose a wonderful brother ( for me a sister ) !! You did an incredible job , good for you as your dream comes true and to share as healing oneself can help others ! Love you too +++M.

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